Monday, April 7, 2014

The causes of self-mutilation; Paper prompt

        For my final paper,  I'm considering researching the causes of self-mutilation. It falls under the topic of body modification, but we never really discussed this topic in class. It's something that I'm very interested in researching, and want to see if I can find evidence which can break the stereotypes that lay behind self-mutilation. The stereotypes being that self-mutilation and depression go hand in hand.
        I think that this topic will cover a variety of categories, because self-mutilation can happen everywhere. I'm interested in finding out what categories seem to have the biggest influence on my topic.It's not confined to one gender, or race. There might be evidence that shows one race self-mutilates more than another, or maybe even a certain social class. I'm interested in figuring out, which groups of people tend to self-mutilate and why. In response to the categories that will shape my paper, I would say the media, race and social class are the top three that will shape my paper. I want to compare and contrast race's, social classes and see how the media effects the perspective on self-mutilation. 
        Self-mutilation is portrayed in the media and movies. Usually in a movie, if a character is depressed they might cut themselves, so cutting is thought of as an action done by people who are depressed. So my question is, does self-mutilation, cutting in particular, mean you are depressed or is it just portrayed that way. Are there people who self-mutilate for different reasons? In the media, you hear about celebrities who are depressed and they cut themselves. Demi Lovato is one that I remember pretty well. She left television for a while because of it. Kids who suffer from depression might hear about instances like this and in effect they might think that because they are depressed they should cut themselves like Demi Lovato. Comparing social classes can help figure that out as well as the effects the media has on people. 
        Another thought I have is where self-mutilation, especially in America, originated. In African tribes, self-mutilation is something that is used for cultural and ritual purposes. At what point did self-mutilation come to America and become a sign of depression. I also want to know that the causes for self-mutilation are.
        When I pick my sources, I want to have hard facts from primary sources. Interviews and videos would be especially useful. I also want to compare those sources to studies done which I can find in online databases like JSTOR of the library. I can also use personal experience as a source.
        In regards to my viewpoint on the issue, I think there is more than just depression that cause self-mutilation. The opposing viewpoint would be going along with the popular viewpoint that depression and self-mutilation go hand in hand.  I'm not sure if that would be considered an opposing viewpoint but It's a place for me to start. I'll be looking for primary sources and studies done as my sources and I will also be using self-experience. 
-Brandon Reilly

1 comment:

  1. Self mutilation and depression definitely go hand in hand. This will be a interesting to both read and write. My question is, "is cutting the only form of self mutilation and where do people cut? etc"
    I wrote my essay#3 on depression, so if you think that might help you in any way just let me know and I'll send it right over. GOOD LUCK
